Brampton Finance - Major sponsor of the Maccabi Basketball Club

August 26, 2017

Brampton Finance is proud to announce that we are the major sponsor of the Maccabi Basketball Club.

Brampton Finance - Proud major sponsor of the Maccabi Lawn Bowls Club

August 26, 2017

Brampton Finance is pleased to annouce we are the major sponsors for the Maccabi Lawn Bowls Club.   Director - Greg Blumenthal with Mortgage Adviser Jared Dozetas with Phil Philler of Maccabi.

FAST Group - 2016 Business Excellence Broker

August 26, 2017

FAST Group - 2016 Business Excellence Broker

Malcolm Turnbull and the Brampton Finance Mighty Kickstars

April 23, 2017

Look who came to watch the Brampton Finance Mighty Kickstars!

Finalist - MFAA State Excellence Awards for 2017

April 23, 2017

We are proud to announce that Brampton Finance has been selected as a finalist in the MFAA State Excellence Awards for 2017. Well done to the Brampton Finance team!

Brampton Finance - Proud sponsor of the Mighty Kick Stars!

November 11, 2015

Brampton Finance proud sponsor of the Mighty Kick Stars!

Brampton Finance - Proud sponsor of The Devils

March 16, 2014

Brampton Finance proud sponsor of The Devils,  defending champions! 

Brampton Finance - Finalist Commercial Sole Operator NSW/ACT - FAST Business Excellence Awards

October 14, 2013

Brampton Finance has been announced as a finalist for 2013 Commercial Sole Operator of the year by FAST.

FAST is one of the major wholesale lending groups in Australia and with over 1200 experienced brokers in their membership settling in excess of $10 billion per annum.  

Greg Blumenthal - Top 10 Commercial Brokers in Australia

October 14, 2013

Mortgage Professional Australia Magazine - Brampton Finance's Greg Blumenthal has been listed  as a top 10 Commercial Broker in Australia.

Trauma statistics!

May 17, 2013

According to the Heart Foundation – the cost of a heart attack is estimated at $25,000 for medical costs and time off work.

According to the Cancer Council – the cost of Cancer is estimated to be $47,000 (just for medical treatment and associated costs – in addition to disruption of family income and other expenses).

1 in 3 Australian males and 1 in 4 females will be diagnosed with Cancer.
Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – Cancer – Australian Cancer incidence Statistics update, Dec 2008.

Serious Illness insurance (Trauma Insurance) benefit can be of enormous help when you are recovering from a major serious illness, injury or trauma.

For example, you may want to use the Serious Illness Insurance (Trauma Insurance) benefit to access the best medical treatment for your condition, whether that treatment is available here or abroad or perhaps simply pay off some of your debt and take some extended leave.

Save thousands with an offset account!

May 17, 2013

An offset account is a transaction account that can be linked to your home or investment loan. The credit balance of your transaction account is offset daily against your outstanding loan balance, reducing the interest payable on that loan.

Offset accounts enable you to make the most of your income and other funds to reduce the interest payable on your home loan, thereby reducing your loan term.

As an example:

A customer with a $150,000 home loan over 30 years would pay approximately $167,190 in interest.

If the customer had an offset account linked to the home loan for the entire loan term with a constant balance of $10,000 in it, they would pay the loan off in 26 years and 4 months and pay just approximately $127,553 in interest.  

This represents a saving of three years and eight months and approximately $38,636.95 in interest.

Under Insured Australia

May 17, 2013

Australia is one of the most under insured countries in the developed world. There are approximately 4.5million working parents in Australia, of those an expected one million will suffer a serious accident, illness or death.

Australians who are under insured will see their family’s income drop by half if a tragic event occurs, and will struggle to meet mortgage repayments and pay their bills. This leaves those hit by misfortune to rely on inadequate government payments.

Of all the families with dependent children who are insured, 60 percent do not have enough life insurance to look after them for even a year if they are no longer able to work .

Only 22 percent of Australians actually have life insurance and the few who do are extremely under insured.

The average cover is $210,976, which is less than a third of what is actually required for sufficient cover, estimated to be $670,621.

Under estimating the importance of life insurance could prove extremely detrimental to individuals and their families.